CyberGreen Begins Internet Scans as of September 2017

After conducting a data validation analysis, CyberGreen is announcing that, as of September 2017, it has officially begun Internet scanning for 4 risk indicators (opendns, openntp, openssdp, opensnmp). The full data validation report can be downloaded here. The executive summary is below.

Executive Summary

To build its internet health metrics, CyberGreen collects data from third parties using different methodologies and tools. In order to improve the collection and analysis of this data, CyberGreen cross-references the data against each other and over time. This report discusses initial findings about the data and how CyberGreen will use these findings to launch its own scanning capability.

Our primary observations are that there is a critical need to cross-reference multiple data sources, as different techniques provide different results. We also note that many of the data sets are highly volatile, with a large replacement rate for IP addresses in consecutive scans.