Japan Welcomes Collaboration With Cybergreen During G7 ICT Ministers’ Joint Declaration

The ICT Ministers of the G7 convened on April 29 and 30, 2016 in Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan to “address current and future global ICT opportunities and challenges for sustainable and inclusive development.” During this meeting, the Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan announced the country’s intent to collaborate with CyberGreen to “develop and utilize risk-based common metrics for assessing cyber risks to eliminate bots and vulnerable network servers and make cyberspace clean and resilient to cyberattack.” Japan welcomed its collaboration with CyberGreen in an effort to “promote and protect the free flow of information” as outlined in the Joint Declaration by the G7 ICT Ministers, based on the Charter for the Digitally Connected World. Specifically, the G7 ICT Ministers encourage “risk management based approaches to cybersecurity including research on methods to analyze threats.”